Follow Dr Gabriel

Innovation & Leadership
Dr Gabriel’s research centres on equity and social justice, adopting critical and emancipatory paradigms and eclectic methods to qualitative-interpretative research. She has adopted innovative modes of enquiry including critical ethnography, autoethnography, virtual ethnography, cyberethnography, experiential learning, conversational learning and participatory witnessing, alongside traditional methods such as focus groups, interviews, and case studies. Use the dropdown menu on the navigation bar to view key publications.…
Making a Difference
Social Philanthropy

Black British Academics
Educational Equity
Jenny Harriott Foundation
Historic Legacy
People With Voices
Journalism Project
Speaking Truth to Power
Poetic Resistance
Public Engagement
Research Highlights
Kazi Radio Interview August 2019
Talking social justice pedagogy and critical media in New York
My education keynote in Washington DC
Training Researchers
Research Guides

Methods and methodology

Inductive and deductive approaches to research

Qualitative data analysis

Using Conceptual Frameworks in Qualitative Research

Inclusive Teaching
The 3D Pedagogy Framework is a strategic model of inclusive teaching practice that…
- Decolonizes the curriculum
- Democratizes the curriculum
- Diversifies the curriculum
Education Showcase

My keynote at MeCCSA 2020 Conference
Today I delivered the keynote at the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies (MeCCSA) 2020 conference at the University of Brighton.…

Teaching for Social Change – Media Inequality Event
On 20th July 2017 I hosted a panel discussion event focused on a topic that features in a final year…

Ivory Tower seminar at the University of Texas
I was thrilled to deliver a presentation on Black British Academics' Ivory Tower project at the University of Texas on…
Social Commentary